#Arrow – I am Oliver Queen: In a world of spin-offs and crossovers, will there be another season of ‘Arrow’?

A fratboy, an assassin, an archer, an heir…who will Oliver Queen be in season 4?

With the resignation of his role as Ra’s heir in waiting -somewhat disappointing, but friendlier to the CGI budget – and Thea a rising archer, Arrow Season 3 concludes on a somewhat, suspicious dose, of a happily ever after.

Given the well established angst of the show, I’m eager to embrace my cynical side, and assume that, the worst is yet to come.

Only slightly reassured by the DC’s Legends of Tomorrow trailer, it is time to question what will bring Oliver Queen back to Starling City.

Assured that he need not sacrifice himself to the consumption of his role as the Arrow, or Ra’s – due to his camaraderie with the very capable Diggle and Malcolm – it is perhaps Ray’s apparent death, that brings Felicity and Oliver back. Or if we’re not considering the concept of sentiment; Palmer Tech.

Left a bit disappointed by the all too happy conclusion – though grateful for the reprieve from a series worth of angst – I was sure this episode would feature more Barry Allen, and a few more revelations. Are we forgetting Oliver has a son out there?

One of the more exciting events of this finale was the atomization of Ray Palmer, and Felicity in the Atom Suit (but that was obvious).

Though unsure of how being smaller makes you invincible to massive burst of flames – comic book fans feel free to jump in – the city in no way, feels safe with my Quasi-Arrow step-in, indisposed.

Adding to the storm Oliver may have forgotten was brewing; long before the bioweapon made its way to Starling, is Detective Lance; who has Oliver shot, despite him saving the day.

On the assumption of the general public, that the Arrow is the supposedly murdered, Roy Harper, and is policed by a drunken, grieving Captain, Starling city is more open than ever to crime and meta-human antics.

On a lighter note, the moment Olicity fans have been waiting for has arrived. With Oliver’s acceptance of both himself and the pursuit of happiness, will Arrow take on a similar tone to the Flash, to reprieve us from angst, with this much loved approach to a DC adaptation?

Speaking of adaptations, will Malcolm’s end of the bargain to Oliver mean the revival of Sara Lance, and the birth of Legends of Tomorrow? Or, is Malcolm simply an interim chief, to govern the city that is so clearly far from saved. Has Oliver accepted that he need not be the sole purveyor of justice?

Moving on from conclusions, to predictions for Season 4, shall we trust Malcolm Merlin? or assume that Damien Darhk will be after our new Ra’s in the midst of this power reform?

In the name of more crossovers with The Flash, Damien Darhk is likely to threaten the bargains made with Malcolm and, the morality of Caitlin Snow, with his H.I.V.E army.

Left to be answered within this finale:

IS Oliver married to Nyssa? I doubt the league has many legal documents to lock them down to society.

Will Felicity make Palmer Tech the new HQ; filled with a permanent presence of ‘under construction’ plastic sheeting?

How long will Ray be Atomized given his move to the Legends of Tomorrow?

Have we said our final goodbyes to Roy Harper?

Will Maseo be revived? (Because, I love him).

The Flash/Arrow: Loving Ray Palmer Part 1:

Stepping out of the suit[s] and into fans’ loving arms, The Flash/ Arrow team up this week, was really about Ray Palmer, and learning to love him.the atom

Much like Eddie, whether or not to like Ray was debatable at first, but alas, with the absence of Oliver in The Flash’s all star team up, Ray stepped into the limelight, and showed us why we need to accept him.

Despite pining for Olicity to be a thing, putting off their inevitable union wasn’t something I was opposed to. After the ramifications of certain tv couples’ unions *cough* New Girl *cough* a show can become considerably tainted, and Olicity wouldn’t survive the drama; that with this week’s new episode, extends beyond Argus, Ra’s Al Ghul and Starling city. With Meta Humans acquainting themselves with a road map, the Arrow universe is becoming a bit overwhelming, to give Olicity the time it deserves.

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#RENEW Sleepy Hollow: rewriting wrongs and writer’s mistakes?


After a series of doubtful episodes, in which Sleepy Hollow adapted a case-of-the-week format for the sake of ‘fun’, Sleepy Hollow rounded off its second season with both, a fun, nostalgic and promising two episodes. It seems apparent to fans, and more importantly (in this instance) writers, that this combination for good writing, can exist without compromise.

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QUICK RECAP: The Originals – Mother knows best

Just over a week into the short hiatus beginning on all of our favourite CW shows, let’s do a quick recap of the Originals.


With Kol dead for the meantime, Rebekah; in her mortal body, is going to need another witch mentor in town. On top of that, Michaelson first-born (presumed dead, now alive) Freya, and Aunt Dalia mean business. With her whole life and ethics a lie, I’m excited for the day Mother Michaelson awakes.

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THE MINDY PROJECT: GRAND – “MA!”’s approval.


With 3×16 hours away, let’s refresh on last week’s The Mindy Project.

In light of Mindy’s envious self-confidence in all things, bar Danny, I more than worried over Annette Castellano’s reaction of the out-of-wedlock baby, only to be pleasantly surprised.

Perhaps forgetting Annette’s marital misfortune, the catholic guilt trope of all things Castellano was missing from last week’s episode.

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The Mindy Project 3×14: 3 men and a baby!

danny and mindy

With Mindy taking center stage and her humour being on point, I can only hope a reference is made to the movie in which this blog takes its namesake…and Tom Selleck’s Mustache. With Morgan, Jeremy and Danny as our remaining lead males,  I am eager to see the added comedy a baby brings. Daddy issues, abandonment issues and Catholic guilt combined – I hope the Mindy Project stays on both coasts post-pregnancy for comedic effect.

But let’s get on with it. It, being the significant character development of Dr. Mindy Lahiri.

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