The Flash / Arrow: Loving Ray Palmer Part 2:

Read Part 1 First

With each new episode of Arrow, I think to myself, why hasn’t a Meta Human killed Ra’s Al Ghul yet?  Especially since, with this episode, it is apparent that Meta Humans may be able to acquire a flight plan alongside their road maps.

In Oliver’s assertion emotional entanglements being crucial to the cause, I am barely placated at the idea that science, super speed, or pseudo-Cyclops powers alone couldn’t kill Ra’s Al Ghul.

Whilst previews for the next episode heavily hint on the Lazarus Pits as the essence of life, Ray Palmer is the hero once more, in his scientific grounding for fans such as I.

ray promo

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Arrow Review: 3×17 Know thy enemy…

Last week’s episode of Arrow featured both beginnings, endings and a bit more convolution of the in-between.

We saw the exit of Deadshot, the woes of Maseo, the marital reunion of the Diggles’, and the development of Olicity once more.Diggle-Lyla-and-baby

Initially, I was thrown that Oliver wasn’t committed to Diggle’s wedding, as part of the ploy to showcase his distractions and warped view of relationships. Ultimately, this was the first in a series of upsets, that had the question of happily ever afters, balancing on a knife’s edge, the entire episode. Continue reading